10 Dec 2023
Throughout the vast realm of software engineering, there are many principles and concepts that transfer over from web development. For instance, having to adapt to a new development environment or writing code in accordance with the required coding standards. My...
Software Engineering Development Environment Coding Standards
29 Nov 2023
When constructing and designing new buildings, architects use blueprints as a guide and way to map everything out. In software engineering, design patterns act like virtual blueprints. They are structured approaches to solving common problems and challenges in software design....
Design Patterns Software Engineering Architecture & Construction
20 Nov 2023
I personally feel that the use of AI in education can either be detrimental or extremely beneficial, depending on the usage. In terms of its use for software engineering, it can be a useful tool for generating ideas, small code...
ChatGPT AI Education
04 Oct 2023
Don’t get me wrong, learning Bootstrap 5 was rather frustrating in the beginning. I didn’t have a concrete understanding of a lot of the components, and felt discouraged when my webpage didn’t look as desired. I spent a lot of...
UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5
19 Sep 2023
Coding standards, although tedious, seem to be very valuable in the grand scheme of programming. In some cases, coding standards have even helped solidify my understanding of JavaScript. For instance, when coding in IntellliJ, ESLint told me to use “===”...
ESLint Coding Standards
05 Sep 2023
Everyone needs to ask a question at some point in their life. However, it is undeniably true that how you ask the question affects the results you get in return. For instance, a question without enough necessary context will ultimately...
Smart Questions Stack Overflow
31 Aug 2023
Although I have many, one of my interests within software engineering is front-end web development. I like the idea of designing a user interface and bringing it to life. It’s a good mix of creativity and logic that I enjoy....
Software Engineering Front-end Development Web Scraping iOS Development
29 Aug 2023
Picking up JavaScript again felt like a much needed break from my addiction to writing web scraping scripts in Python. I’ve had some prior experience with JavaScript, but never got very deep into really understanding the language. Even so, I...
Software Engineering JavaScript